Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm back!

Kassidi and I at the ball.

In our dorm room w our beds set up slumber party style.

At the beach! I still can't believe its summer here. I love it :)

My stalkerazzi photo. I figured you would all appreciate the pic ha he was VERY cute.

These are the guys we played volleyball with.

By back I mean back blogging, not back in Utah ha sorry if any of you got your hopes up ;)

So what do you get when you combine over 500 Australians, 2 Utah girls, a platypus, a dance floor wipe out, no Internet, a 3am trip to "maccas", a windy beach, ERS, a fancy ball, Modern Family, nightly slumber parties, volleyball, a whole new vocabulary, New Years eve party, church and a fireside, jumping a fence to an awesome overlook, drop bears, all over 5 days at a university campus?

You get an AWESOME YSA convention :D

Platypus - talent show! There were a lot of good acts and singers, but this one guys talent was dressing up like a platypus on the stage (over the course of what seemed like a REALLY long time) most random thing I've ever seen ha. It was so not funny that it was funny.

Dance floor wipe out - at the ball Kas and I were playing around swing dancing together and she went for a spin while I went for a pull back one arm over your head type thing... And then somehow we both ended up sprawled on the floor (Unfortunately I'm not exaggerating). And no. We weren't drunk. At all. Embarrassing? You have no idea.

3 am trip to maccas - in Australia McDonalds is called Maccas by everyone, and after the ball we drove around Brisbane w some friends and one of our stops was there. The menue was a lot healthier, the drinks were a lot smaller, and the food was a LOT more expensive.

No Internet - none that we could access anyway. It was nice to just focus on the convention, but it would be a lie to say I didn't Facebook and skype w my mom the second we got back. I'm kind of a mommas girl ;)

Windy beach - we all took buses to a beach on the gold coast that was BEAUTIFUL! It was a little windy but so much fun. I love the ocean. We had a great time w all of our new friends.

ERS - they had never played! But now they do. :)

Fancy ball - live music. Pretty dresses. It was like Prom minus the corsages with better music and hotter accents not in a high school gym. Okay I take it back. It was nothing like prom ha.

Modern Family - most awesome show. Ever. And I think I have kassidi addicted to it ha. We watched an episode or two everyday on my iPad.

Nightly slumber parties - of course we couldn't sleep in our rooms alone! So we hauled in Kas's mattress. :)

Volleyball - at the beach we hit around a volleyball for a long time. It was fun and cool because we were on the same 7th grade volleyball team together. We dominated!!

New vocabulary - Arvo, Barbie, Bathers, Bloke, Cool as!, Dodgy, Footy, G'day, Heaps, Howre you going?, Keen, Lollies, Mate, Rubbish, Singlet, Shell be right, Tea, Too right!, Uni. That's only a few of the new words and expressions I learned. And to think I was excited to come here because I wouldn't have to learn a new language like I did for Italy haha ;)it was definitely a new experience meeting people and them saying woah, you have an accent! Where are you from?

New years eve party - it was great! Great food and then this awesome all night dance party. The Polynesians can really dance!

Church and a fireside - really inspirational day! The meetings and lessons were fantastic and then we went to two workshops about dating and marriage (I felt like I was back at byu ha) and then later that night we went to a fireside. A boy who had a stroke spoke for part of it and bore his testimony, and that really touched me. He was so brave. I want to be more like him.

Jumping a fence to an overlook - jumping may be a bit of an exaggeration. Late one night we drove up this hill overlooking the river and city and it was BEAUTIFUL. They tried to teach us Australian that night ha. Australian 101. Don't say your r's and draw out your o's, and then use a rising tone at the end of your sentences.

Drop bears - killer koalas that drop out of trees and land on your head and claw you to death. Come to find out they aren't real. Stupid Australian boys. I can't wait until they come to Utah and I tell them about Bigfoot ;)

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